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Сообщений: 44
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Whole soundbanks in games Worms3D and Worms Forts.
Сообщений: 44
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Four games on PC Worms: Reloaded, Crazy Golf, Revolution and Clan Wars. Platform three game Worms: Open Warfare 2, A Space Oddity and Worms 2: Armageddon.

Load "AllTextEng.bin" hex editor a code language editors, not string names. Please for thanks B) facepalm

Добавлено (23.06.2013, 21:12)
Here page:


Сообщение отредактировал 53454546 - ВС, 12.01.2014, 00:45:51
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Why do not you unused?

Sample voclassi.sab is unused (preview wormsx.cpf)

  • captured
  • flawless
  • jump1
  • kamikaze
:( Missing!
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Programs objects and sounds:
muextract.exe - Music mu*.sab I remember what a nightmare it was to write a program to export some audio files compressed.

sbcompile_ms.exe - Speechbanks compressed I didn't exactly test it, so let me know if it works. rofl

Добавлено (01.07.2013, 23:37)
Now, have here a new program XomView 2.9!

Прикрепления: W4SoundBanksMus.rar (139.9 Kb)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
WF SoundBank Fanfare WA does not work with sounds. >(
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Цитата (4erveR)
http://rghost.ru/47912854 нашёл какой-то торрент (просто с игрой), буду тестить (мб вообще фейк, что очень вероятно).

Install Clan Wars, hmmm, what I can not install a serial number quick survey? >(

Установить, чтобы Clan Wars, хм, что я не могу установить серийный номер быстрого опроса? >(
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Serial number, I do not know the codes :-(

Прикрепления: 5372439.png (41.3 Kb)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
XomView not editing and adding sounds I can not speechbank (Biggles, Soul Man, Kamikaze) event sounds, Bond ask me.
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Hmm... Strange is not programs Worms Clan Wars Editor and SpeechBank Editor does not SKIDROW, has tool Steam, profile not found tool. facepalm :'(
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Please talk Alexbond program XomView does not effects.

Missing sounds the program XomView:

  • fsb - Error open voRussian.fsb compression PCM in Worms Ultimate Mayhem.
  • xsb - Add PCM and ADPCM compressions on file .xsb in Worms Reloaded and Crazy Golf. :(

Good sounds:

  • fsb - Will work MP3 compression file .fsb, not work compression PCM. (Worms Ultimate Mayhem, Revolution and Clan Wars)
  • sob - Will work MP3 compression file .sob. (Worms 4)
  • aud - Will works wav and ogg files archive .aud, no work PS2. (Worms 3D, Forts: Under Siege) :)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Hex editor a float hex "DB 4D 61 00 0D 5A" string the binary code. Editing language a not program sadly a .bin file, Alex editing please, also image:

Добавлено (07.09.2013, 19:30)
Hello, I'm here Bond please see!

Languages editor file .bin all games!

Добавлено (04.10.2013, 19:47)
Do you want to edit XomView? <_<

Прикрепления: 8036210.png (53.1 Kb) · 9032213.png (55.9 Kb)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Binary code to string name the languages:

Com.TeamWin.10 = And the winner is, %TeamName%!
Com.TeamWin.11 = %TeamName% chalks up a victory!
Com.TeamDeath.9 = That's that for %TeamName%!
Com.WeaponCrateDrop.1 = Hey everybody. A new weapons crate!
Com.WaterDeath.2 = %WormName% is dead in the water, literally!
Com.TurnStart.5 = %WormName% is about to step up.

Look, Alexbond codes here!
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Soundbank Game.xsb the wave Game.xwb selected compression ADPCM.

Game.xsb [ADPCM]
LanscapeEditor.xsb [PCM]

Image coding file .xsb soundbanks:

Прикрепления: 9515440.png (51.4 Kb)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Polish char, very sad strange letters Russian.xom and Japanese.xom :( facepalm save file in game display ??????? need to improve char to unichar, such a program unicode, but unfortunately there are unicode Delphi:

Red line - char in game ????? (alternate utf-8)
Прикрепления: 0592145.png (79.4 Kb)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
All challenges game started loading has been game crashed, menu tweak is not given W3D only missions, challenge is very sad game, not hack CRC hex in WUM, also image:

Прикрепления: 4446284.png (851.5 Kb)
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Wow, name the string scripts was selected language...

Or do not know the file, interesting %)

Name = Code

Com.TeamWin.10 = 24A9BC8
Com.TeamWin.11 = 24A9BC9
Com.WeaponsCrateDrop.4 = 144106A9
Com.WeaponsCrateDrop.1 = 144106AC
Com.WeaponsCrateDrop.3 = 144106AE
Com.WeaponsCrateDrop.2 = 144106AF

Добавлено (28.12.2013, 00:11)
Team17 creators the languages *.bin, interesting script mission file "Campaign01.lef" find hex the name "MisText.Campaign1.Bubble1" values after string the game W:Rev, and language *.bin no finds the name binary, text only. facepalm

Добавлено (31.12.2013, 01:23)
The game use CRC32 to check every file. The mission, frontend and in-game no founds searching binary to name the languages text only. :-(

Добавлено (21.01.2014, 02:06)
Try reading information Forum Xentax such Need For Speed language:


Viewing Videos (Reloaded game):

FEText.Linkage = EC32DFF6
Text.Wind = 9876C442
Text.WinningTeam = B34CD9F5
Text.BananaBomb = 59EB8BF7
Com.WaterDeath.15 = C1F21589
FEText.TeamWhispers = 6F62BD99
FEText.ThemeMedieval = 2DC3103F
Net.PeepDown = 337670A6

Добавлено (22.01.2014, 23:20)
Google search: hex 8 limit to binary language, text to binary convert language, calculate hex to text, such resgen binary used .resources to .txt, I do not know GNU calculators in the game .exe data loaded language english, editing language add string can not do it file AllTextEng.bin, script mission file "Campaign01.lef" find hex the name "MisText.Campaign1.Bubble1" values after string the game W:Rev, first find "Com.", "Comm.", "Text.", "FEText.", "MisText." and "FE", I can not hexadecimal of all the languages in the game, Alexbond please... :(

Сообщение отредактировал 53454546 - ВТ, 21.01.2014, 03:57:57
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
Used AppLocale, languages what is programed applocale will work the old topic language unicode.

Добавлено (23.02.2014, 19:50)

chcp 65001
XomView_v2_9.exe -uroot

Program ansi to utf-8 wasn't work problem

Please unicode programs :-(
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
you want add custom speechbank to files W4 sab/sob and WUM wavebank fsb soundbank fev, talk with Woitek

Добавлено (09.02.2014, 18:15)
edit .fev (WUM) and .sob (W4) archive sounds files

Добавлено (09.02.2014, 18:19)
Little W4 in 28 speechbanks, WUM in 31 speechbanks, more sounds W3D and WA.

Добавлено (16.02.2014, 17:46)
Custom speechbanks W4 and WUM very coming soon...

Добавлено (09.03.2014, 15:29)
Files voPolish.sab/sob project GameCODA Cage Producer and file voPolish.fsb project FMOD Designer soundbanks .fev edit hex the voices (Capone, Biggles, AngryScots, Cad, SoulMan, DrillSergeant, HappyDays, Pirate, Villain, Devvo, Fighter, Klein, L33t, Rock, Russian, Polish, English, FormulaOne, etc.) editing speeches Local.xml/xom already long custom speechbanks the contact Alexbond and Woitek, make projects. :) :)

See Also:

Worms 4 Mayhem, 28 speechbanks: (no added vocad, vodevvo, vofighter, voklein, vol33t, vopirate, vorock, voRussian and vosuper)

Worms Ultimate Mayhem, 31 speechbanks: (missing voconfu, vofrench, vogerman, voitalia, vospanis and vowhoop)

Local.xml in W4 custom speechbanks:

Source files wavebanks file waits...
Прикрепления: 1550688.png (86.0 Kb) · 5510323.png (87.4 Kb) · 3560539.png (705.2 Kb) · readme.doc (17.4 Kb)

Сообщение отредактировал 53454546 - ВС, 09.03.2014, 17:05:24
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0

Unfortunately, my download was not found with the programs looking for?

Just wondering what's happened to GameCODA?

Seems like http://www.gamecoda.com/ is dead. Also, the Sesaura website is dead. Any ideas?


Добавлено (20.07.2014, 13:51)
Now, have here a new program XomView 2.9!

There is no project *.cap wasn't here edits *.sab/sob! ^_^

Сообщение отредактировал 53454546 - СР, 23.07.2014, 15:01:17
Сообщений: 44
Реп: 0
WormsBlast open .aud file error message:

Access violation at address 004A0093 in module 'XomView_v2_9.exe'. Read of address 063BCD4C. >(

Добавлено (31.08.2014, 20:18)
Alexbond is still do want to the art project

No one from Alexbond did not respond to emails, 5 months ago stills Alexbond do not want to edit Xomview and W3dMapeditor, WRev and W:CW Languages, W4 and WUM voices, sounds, edits, beta, etc. . In reported on this forum and e-mail below written issue, after all, no one answers. Could you start work and repair, if it's worth it is better to report to managers? Where no information is not at all. Can I ask for help with a solution to the problem? >(

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