Voices Fix 0.1
MarioSonic2987, 11.11.2024, 23:41:48, Остальные моды
Fixes wrong used soundbank in "D-Day" mission.
Обновлено: 11.11.2024, 23:41:48
Просмотров: 270
Загрузок: 10
Рейтинг: 0.0/0
This mod fixes wrong enemy voices in "D-Day" mission because vogerman soundbank was missing in Worms Ultimate Mayhem.
It will be extended to other Worms 3D campaign missions in future versions.
To install this, you'll need to replace the .lub file in Data/scripts.
WARNING: pipe2701's SoundBank MegaPack is required.
It will be extended to other Worms 3D campaign missions in future versions.
To install this, you'll need to replace the .lub file in Data/scripts.
WARNING: pipe2701's SoundBank MegaPack is required.
Всего комментариев: 0