Главная » 2014 » Июль » 7 » Worms 4 TheReturn Compact Version
Worms 4 TheReturn Compact Version
Просмотров: 1237 | Добавил: TheKing97 | Оценок: 0
Всего комментариев: 4
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#4 TheKing97   08.07.2014 20:12:49
Vorobey is not as boring as you think .. the fact is that this mod is the compact version which still do not have all the components that I currently have in the mod.
this mod is the complete well-developed, I would say, I have to create new gamemode scripts and other missions but are not able to do so, mainly I have to start by changing the scores of the match for much worms4mayhem.exe
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#3 Вормус   08.07.2014 12:39:21
А мне вот с огоньком понравилось - я пироман...
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#2 Vorobey   08.07.2014 11:33:58
Арбалет норм вышел. Дальше ничего не понял, выключил)
Чувак просто начал водить прицелом, стало скучно)
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#1 DrHitman27   07.07.2014 19:22:04
Починил картинки и ссылки.