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Mod NE Short match
Сообщений: 76
Реп: 13

Besides doing this little match, I reported in this beta a problem that it is in the flames of napalm that the sound lasts infinite and the effect ends before it, those who are subject to this mod (4ever and his team) could fix this problem and even more of this mod.
This mod find also on my Tweaking Forum.
Forum: http://www.w4tweakingandmods.forumfree.it
Сообщений: 1511
Реп: 77 / Инв: 13
Thanks, we needed a gameplay video. I posted it to the mod site: http://w4-new-edition.ucoz.ru/news/2015-05-18-46
Also I'm not sure that mod team will continue work caused by loss of interest, but everything can be.

Sorry for bad English.

Сообщение отредактировал 4erveR - ПН, 18.05.2015, 19:59:17
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