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W:UM Modding
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
W:UM is like W4. Can have this same mods. W4--->W:UM.
But is one different W4---W:UM.
It's xom structure...
W4 xom's have one xom in xom :P. One object.
W:UM have files in much xoms so need more time for ReID. Much more....
In Worms 4 it's too very big problem... and need spend much time for import models like suitcase from w3d or bomber.
If anyone find idea how quickly ReID containers then convert all my mods to W:UM :)(this good mods)

Сообщение отредактировал Woitek - ВС, 11.12.2011, 15:03:18
Сообщений: 2848
Реп: 60 / Инв: 6
WUM is not popular here. So, I think, that this difficult work won't be so useful.

And when the sun is shining, there is justice for all...
And all the people will remember that funny "war".
War, which was so dark in the beginning and so shiny in the end.
But now it's over. Over for all.
Я сюда захожу только из-за Game Project. И да, я больше не модер, поэтому не надо писать мне тонны лс с просьбами кого-либо забанить. И еще: черви меня не интересуют. Совсем. Поэтому, даже не напоминайте мне про них - вызовете большой БУГУРТ.
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
Ok but in W4,W3d,W:UM if want add something too xom need handly change all ID's.... Example xom have 40 Id's. For change ID must run copy of xom copy value of container paste look on xom copy what is ID look what number in calculator and change... Very easy create error and eat much time....

Raygun ReID
Прикрепления: 9922500.jpg (274.5 Kb)

Сообщение отредактировал Woitek - ВС, 11.12.2011, 15:09:36
Сообщений: 1042
Реп: 106 / Инв: 8
Only I can do it... but I have not time for this.... Maybe Lex can help?

Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
For what Lex if "Only I can do it" :P?

Добавлено (11.12.2011, 15:16)
Need call Lex....

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