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Worms 3D Lua.
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
Links: http://w4tweaks.ru/forum/90-2260-1#61632  --Example mission

Welcome in Worms 3D Lua tutorial thread.

Today we learn how to:
-Make concept for your mission
-Add pointers to map and with what do.
-Test your map.
-Script mission.

First step to any mission desing is initial idea. It can be map or events what will happen in mission.

If we have concept of mission example:

We want make mission where be one worm, and this worm need collect using jetpack some crates. So if we know how mission will look we can start make prototype mission. For Prototype missions (if we don't have ready map) better make simple objects, like big cubes. There is no reason for make very detail map if we reject it and put to trash. Other look situation when we have map. Example:

We have map what looks like Shop. Inside shop are many food stuff and other objects what are used in shops.
Exaple mission can looks like:

Is one worm. On map is spawned one crate. If we collect all crates(foodstuffs) then mission succes!.

Good for plan mission is Piece or paper or word documentation because we freedom here. We can concept here any part of mission without touching fingers!

When we know general concept how should mission, then we can try realise concept to reality.

In Worms 3D scripting are some function what have to be in missions for correct work like:

function Initialise() --This is main function for every worms 3D mission. Here are written basics parametrs about some status.

function StartTurn() --This function initialise when Turn start.

function TurnEnded() -- This function work when Turn is ended.

function SetupWormsAndTeams() -- This function work once. Is called in Initialise() function. Here are set all Teams and Worms parametrs.

function SetupInventories() -- This function work once. Is called in Initialise() function. Here you can set amount of weapons Ammo and delays.

Сообщение отредактировал Woitek - ПТ, 10.10.2014, 21:51:57
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