When searching lower version of w4worm find much animation as death what used detonator.xom from objects and another normals. But one are interested me. Two anim with name: DrawShield: HoldShield: This Anim have w4wormlow and w4wormmed but not w4worm. HoldShield Anim w4wormmedium: Then export this to w4worm model HoldShield Anim w4worm: and test in game. Position of shield is bad as in pipegun. Need correct this and think for what replace and how must work :).
PS:Why w4worm model not have teeth. Not know. Think for w4worm model need add one more key what add teeth.
I also knew about the shield. I found it in Weapons folder. But I have no idea for what it can be used
------------------------------------------------------------- And when the sun is shining, there is justice for all... And all the people will remember that funny "war". War, which was so dark in the beginning and so shiny in the end. But now it's over. Over for all. ------------------------------------------------------------- Я сюда захожу только из-за Game Project. И да, я больше не модер, поэтому не надо писать мне тонны лс с просьбами кого-либо забанить. И еще: черви меня не интересуют. Совсем. Поэтому, даже не напоминайте мне про них - вызовете большой БУГУРТ.
its not have "fire shield" animation.. Maybe this device for defend form in real time from mines, drums and sentrygun?
Смысл жизни в том, чтобы жизнь имела смысл... (firsacho 2005) Рай придуман, чтобы не страшно было умирать. Ад придуман, чтобы не страшно было жить. (firsacho 2007) Мир делиться на два типа людей: Бездарные трудоголики и Талантливые лентяи. (firsacho 2008)
firsacho, it's good idea (about sentry gun). Maybe we can realise that (but i have no idea how)
------------------------------------------------------------- And when the sun is shining, there is justice for all... And all the people will remember that funny "war". War, which was so dark in the beginning and so shiny in the end. But now it's over. Over for all. ------------------------------------------------------------- Я сюда захожу только из-за Game Project. И да, я больше не модер, поэтому не надо писать мне тонны лс с просьбами кого-либо забанить. И еще: черви меня не интересуют. Совсем. Поэтому, даже не напоминайте мне про них - вызовете большой БУГУРТ.
Hmmm think this shield be first idea team, later be rejected and now is only function. <XFloatResourceDetails id='Shield.DamageScale'> <Value>0.25</Value> <Name>Shield.DamageScale</Name> <Flags>64</Flags> </XFloatResourceDetails>
So maybe did fuction what if worms Armoured is true then worms have selected shield. If change weapon when is this worms turn armoured be automatical off :).