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Сообщений: 2
Реп: 0
Pamogite pls kada ya vkluchil worms 4 to y menya poshla nachalna zagryzka i vukluchilas igra a v faile XOM.log pishet: 0 | WormsXApp::HideMouse
143 | Universal Plug + Play port forwarding enabled.XOpenGLRenderManager::OpenDisplay, width = 800, height = 600
2905 | AppDataService::AppInit
2906 | *********************************************************
2925 | WormsX Log File. Build Version : 3013
2925 | Run at: 19:42:19 on 12/11/2009
2926 | Running on: igor
2928 | *********************************************************
2928 | AutoDeleteOutOfDateSaveGame
2978 | Load data banks
3159 | ***Error : .\Win32Storage.cpp (440): Unable to open file! (SaveGame.xml) mode = 1
3167 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3168 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3169 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3170 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3171 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3173 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3174 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3183 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3184 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3185 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3186 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3188 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3192 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3193 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3194 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3195 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3197 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3198 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3208 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3209 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3210 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3211 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3213 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3217 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3218 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****....

11506 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11508 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11509 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11510 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11511 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11512 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11514 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11515 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11516 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11517 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11518 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11519 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11521 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
13117 | Load section 'kSectionPermanent'...
14415 | DONE

sho nado delat cry

Сообщений: 2
Реп: 0
Pamogite pls kada ya vkluchil worms 4 to y menya poshla nachalna zagryzka i vukluchilas igra a v faile XOM.log pishet: 0 | WormsXApp::HideMouse
143 | Universal Plug + Play port forwarding enabled.XOpenGLRenderManager::OpenDisplay, width = 800, height = 600
2905 | AppDataService::AppInit
2906 | *********************************************************
2925 | WormsX Log File. Build Version : 3013
2925 | Run at: 19:42:19 on 12/11/2009
2926 | Running on: igor
2928 | *********************************************************
2928 | AutoDeleteOutOfDateSaveGame
2978 | Load data banks
3159 | ***Error : .\Win32Storage.cpp (440): Unable to open file! (SaveGame.xml) mode = 1
3167 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3168 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3169 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3170 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3171 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3173 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3174 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3183 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3184 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3185 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3186 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3188 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3192 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3193 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3194 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3195 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3197 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3198 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3208 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3209 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3210 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3211 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3213 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
3217 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
3218 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****....
11506 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11508 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11509 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11510 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11511 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11512 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11514 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11515 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11516 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11517 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11518 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
11519 | ***Error : *** Could not read container ****
11521 | ***Error : The storage layout of the container has most likely been changed.
13117 | Load section 'kSectionPermanent'...
14415 | DONE

sho nado delat cry

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