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I would like to add animations and textures in these objects
Сообщений: 76
Реп: 13
in this cube I would like to add the function of the change in texture that is a model that has no texture

here we have a pigeon texturato to me, however, a statue steering wheel would not be a pretty sight

how can I?

Сообщение отредактировал TheKing97 - ЧТ, 07.08.2014, 14:19:56
Сообщений: 66
Реп: 16
please stop makin topic in wrong forum. you make topic in section 'tweaking tutorials 'this is dont  tweaking and dont tutorials. you should make topic here:http://w4tweaks.ru/forum/105.

texturing here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNZlCJAKAnA

i cant find english version.... open your file and find 'Ximage' label. select image - press  export image - edit image - press import image and select your new texture . press save xom...or give me your XOM file  and texture ill try to make this.

PS sorry if you dont understand my english. im russian as we all :D

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Сообщение отредактировал Veudekato - ЧТ, 07.08.2014, 16:17:47
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
How you want make animation for pigeon? This pigeon not have bones. and for what you want add texture function to this cube? Make cube model and replace it with normal model
Сообщений: 76
Реп: 13
Woitek I understood very well that the pigeon does not contain bones to add animation, but how can I do? because you did not understand .. in the cube instead being another model I would just put the function that is short .. here is the archive for veudekato you need to do first read I do not speak Russian, then do what I need:
Сообщений: 191
Реп: 13 / Инв: 3
Woitek, no matter,'cause our force commander now have 1 lvl.Oops... Not this. We have now other interests. And many oldfags go for play in other games

I've heard of unisex but never had it
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
Pffff Matter? hahahah. It's TheKing97 problem not my  =). I'm here for give tips
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