Главная » 2014 » Август » 10 » Pigeon Beta on Worms 4
Pigeon Beta on Worms 4
Просмотров: 1283 | Добавил: TheKing97 | Оценок: 1
Всего комментариев: 7
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#7 TheKing97   11.08.2014 22:42:19
Let me explain .. I want the pigeon without the soft light you see in the screenshot 1, it will change the value when the eyes of the pigeon still being glitch blacks, how do I not make them glitch
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#6 Woitek   11.08.2014 22:11:31
This have bones. He use worms 3D model
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#5 Veudekato   11.08.2014 20:26:40
not bad. can i ask? how you  make animation with model without bones?
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#4 Vorobey   11.08.2014 15:17:20
Easy. But it's not retexture. And we have lost the habit of hard mods.
So ... Well)
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#2 Joker   10.08.2014 21:52:07
Good, but bazooka is not so cool. Make a stick, pls
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#3 TheKing97   11.08.2014 12:42:55
joker, Please do not place unnecessary comments Purpose The Pigeon, Pigeon will, COMPLETE, but in the video Woitek revealed persistent problem in the Eyes then there are the blacks of Pigeon, then Woitek me said to change the value, and 'got it (problem of eyes 0:33 on video)

I have here the pigeon is perfect, but 3.0 xom this point of view I shared Woitek has problems with ID, then reset the game becomes the pigeon with eyes blacks, then I changed the value, but the pigeon is obtained with a soft light as the Holy Grenade Worms 3D
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#1 4erveR   10.08.2014 20:22:29
Good work