Worms 4 Mayhem Deluxe Edition v1.4.1
trta80, 05.02.2016, 03:47:06, Глобальные моды
This patch bringing back network play feature and contains 118 maps by Team17
Обновлено: 31.10.2020, 14:20:36 Автор: Angry Worm Просмотров: 7147 Загрузок: 1720 Комментарии: 16 Рейтинг: 5.0/6 Теги: Map, Worms, W4M, maps, w3d, Pack, WUM, 3d
Before install, backup your savegame.xom
Updated: 03.11.2020

Worms 4 Mayhem Deluxe Edition 1.4.1

This patch bringing back network play feature and contains 118 maps by Team17.
All maps from Worms 3D and Worms Ultimate Mayhem is added and some converted from Worms Forts.
Ofcorse all original Worms 4 is there, and 6 hidden maps is now playable. Bonus 4 RopeRace maps.

-All maps can be played in Deathmatch and Survivor mode.
-Hud and weapon panel is replaced with HD version from Worms Ultimate Mayhem.
-Worm model is now replaced with HD version.
-GameSpy online multyplayer is replaced with OpenSpy and now you can play via network again.
-Widescreen support.

--------------------- Maps list ---------------------

--------------------------- How to install ---------------------------

Recommended game vesrsion is v1.01

1. Optional make copy of Worms 4 Mayhem in case if you want to uninstall.
2. Install to Worms 4 Mayhem folder where is placed "Launcher.exe"
3. Optional if you want WUM look, install "Worms 4 Mayhem Deluxe Edition to WUM Patch"
4. Start game with new launcher "W4MapLauncher_v2.exe"
5. Set your parameters and select Deluxe script. If game crash select DeluxeOld script and play. Next time you can select Deluxe without crash.
6. If you have (4:3) screen, extract one of two fixes placed in "4.3 aspect fix" folder

--------------------- Known Issues and soulutions ---------------------

1. "Deluxe" script can crash some times. To fix that, must run "DeluxeOld" script and then you can relaunch again with "Deluxe" script.
Diference with DeluxeOld and Deluxe is that you have Survivor mode new maps added in Deluxe.
2. Activatio of aspect ratio can brings blinking worms stats.
3. When join in game room after waiting, popup this message "We could not verify the connection with the remote machine"
To fix this, make exception in firewall and open port-s.

1. Windows firewall -> Advanced settnigs -> Inbound rules -> New Rule -> Rule type (Program) -> Program (WORMS 4 MAYHEM.EXE from your location) -> Action (Allow the connection) -> Name (what you want) -> Finish
2. Do same for Outbound rules.
3. When launch Worms 4 Deluxe launcher, check Auto PORT-s box

--------------------- Credits ---------------------

Angry Worm (Autor, Maps converting, Script Editing, GUI editing)
Alex Bond (W4MapLauncher, Worms3D map editor, Xom Viewer, Maps converting)
Woitek (Some worms forts maps converting)
4erveR (Help for GUI, Assistance for testing)
OpenSpy team (Multiplayer server)
MarioSonic2987 (Main menu and HUD for WUM patch)


Worms 4 Mayhem Deluxe Edition to Wum

Info: This update replace complete GUI to WUM GUI
Requirements: Version 1.4.1
How to install: Extract this archive in Worms 4 Mayhem directory where is placed launcher.
Всего комментариев: 16
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#16 trta80   31.10.2020 14:43:43
Hello everybody. After a long time I returned and bring a new update for anniversary (V1.4). It contain some small ui and hud ui fixes. Nаслаждаться 
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#14 nikole4ka   10.10.2016 18:24:51
А как его установить?
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#15 4erveR   20.07.2017 19:20:39
читай How to install в описании, не тупи
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#13 4erveR   30.09.2016 21:12:54
Портировать кампанию W3D в W4M нет смысла, т.к. там немного другая физика, с которой играть будет сложнее, а также у W3D требования даже меньше, чем у W4M. Если W3D не запускается - лучше попробуй другую ее версию (в сети есть сборки от 50 МБ, качать много не придется). Если антивирус мешает запуститься - добавь EXE-файлы игры в его исключения.
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#10 4erveR   15.02.2016 20:48:37
Activation of aspect ratio can brings blinking worms stats.

Win8.1 x64, Radeon HD 4570 - blinking
Win10 x86, Radeon HD 6250 - no blinking
Win10 x86, GeForce 9500 GT - no blinking
Maybe it appears on x64 systems only?

UPD. It's wrong, blinking appears on Win7 x86.
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#12 trta80   18.02.2016 13:05:15
Maybe problem is DirectX 9. Windows 10 use integrated DirectX 12.  :)
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#8 trta80   15.02.2016 01:51:10
Thanks to everybody for voting. I updated patch to new version 1.02. Fixed invisible objects in "JPC3" and "All Cooped up".
Cheers...  :D
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#9 4erveR   15.02.2016 18:46:05
I think, new version should contain OpenSpy exe, if the author allows. Then it will be a ultimate pack for online play. But all players must select same maps pack to avoid crashes.
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#11 trta80   16.02.2016 01:26:44
I send suggestion to "xTheDarkLight" on youtube, and we will see what will say. But first i wanna test it.
Patch is updated to v1.1 and have network support with my exe.
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#6 firsacho   14.02.2016 20:12:47
Дал файлу Gold Banner. Бейдж выдал в жанре "остальное".
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#7 trta80   15.02.2016 01:40:22
Thanks for gold baner.  :)
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#2 ivan210303mitenkov   06.02.2016 09:43:02
Awesome job, dude! I tested one map for every game, and it works! DeluxeOld script is working good for me! In my opinion, the best W4M mod of 2016! For conclusion, I want to say that mod need for gold banner! Great!))
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Превосходный мод! Я тестировал по одной карте на каждую игру, всё робит! Пользуюсь скриптом DeluxeOld, всё норм! Как по мне, лучший мод для W4M-2016! Должен сказать, что этот мод заслуживает голд баннера! Молодец!))
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#3 4erveR   06.02.2016 17:27:49
Год только начался, рано подводить итоги. Но из тех W4-модов, что уже вышли, этот тоже кажется самым лучшим.
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#4 ivan210303mitenkov   06.02.2016 18:02:32
Я знаю. Наконец-то я смогу поиграть в те WUM'овские карты, в которые не смог поиграть в оригинальной WUM из-за краша при запуске. Еще раз спасибо аффтару!  thumb
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#1 PROFILE   05.02.2016 20:52:01
Perfect work, man, it deserves gold banner
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#5 Joker   11.02.2016 19:29:35
Прочитал твой коммент с дурацким акцентом.
А так, я тоже за Голд.
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