Fire Flower 1.0
Script which replaces gas canister to fire flower from Mario series
Обновлено: 11.07.2024, 12:19:29 Просмотров: 721 Загрузок: 4 Комментарии: 2 Рейтинг: 0.0/0
How to play it:
1. extract from zip file contents to Data folder(agree for file replace)
2. launch the game
3. launch Ghost Hill Graveyard map
4. Enjoy

Credits :
master34(aka ScienceAnt453) = creator of weapon

Special thanks:
firsacho for help and his exampleWLoad script
Всего комментариев: 2
bullet_toggle_plus 0 bullet_toggle_minus
#1 firsacho   11.07.2024 18:33:53
С первым модом тебя) позже заценю.
Ждём новых крутых скриптов
bullet_toggle_plus 0 bullet_toggle_minus
#2 ScienceAnt453   12.07.2024 03:10:55
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