Обновлено: 23.06.2011, 17:58:44Автор: Woitek1993 (mambaczarna)Просмотров: 2589Загрузок: 1183Комментарии: 14Рейтинг: 3.0/2Теги: Woitek1993 Woitek mambaczarna mod c
This is test version of mod. In the future I will try to improve this mod. Shoop Da whoop!
Tweaks to tweaks scripts to scripts Hat.... Change the what you want. If scale,position is back then find in wormsatthaments your changed hat and change string what is in instruction. Type 3- Mustache Type 2- Glasses Type 1- gloves - not use if not want crash Type 0 - Hat Thanks for download this mod ;) Woitek1993 Sry but miss add file....... anyone can install here this file?? http://www.sendspace.com/file/7reogu