Restored Worms 3D songs 1.0
Restores some missing songs from Worms 3D.
Обновлено: 01.01.2024, 13:58:26 Просмотров: 395 Загрузок: 189 Рейтинг: 0.0/0
This mod restores some missing songs from Worms 3D. For now, they're a long track which includes 4 songs for each theme. Tracks marked in bold were already used in Worms Ultimate Mayhem.

List of restored songs:
- Arctic: arctic1, arctic2, arctic3, arctic4
- England: tudor1, tudor2, tudor3, tudor4
- Horror: gothic1, gothic2, gothic3, gothic4
- Lunar: space1, space2, space3, space4
- Pirate: pirate1, pirate2, pirate3, pirate4
- War: war1, war2, war3, war4

You'll have to replace the .fsb files contained in the .zip to Data/Audio/PC.
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