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Xom_View Errors
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
I want make this topic for help Alex know where Xom_view glitches.

1. Is Problem with Worms3D hands when you edit this using AnimEditor. In game looks different than in Editor
2. When you save *.aud file then program add .xom always now.

Not Possible run some Worms 3D Beta files like:

Data folder
-HudTwk.xom Error "EListError: in AddClassTree() on MenuDescription [6] xom run
-Local.xom Error "EListError: in AddClassTree() on MenuDescription [66] and
Not have link 1 containers: XNone[1005], xom load 99,9%
-MenuTwk.xom Program glitch. Not possible do anything.
-MenuTwkConsole.xom 88% load but not sure this needed
FEnd.aud - 3.2% load
sfx.aud - 0.5%

Bundle02.xom -- Is problem with EarthQuake leafs XSkinShape
Сообщений: 76
Реп: 13
that's why it makes me glitch pigeon W3D, w4 in the game unfortunately I have to structure the model with the option to model global light otherwise the eyes of the seagull glitch! I tried to do everything and I'll try to do even more to get a normal pigeon and without glitch
Сообщений: 523
Реп: 57 / Инв: 11
No. This not xom_view glitch it's your error. I wrote you what to do on skype do it.
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