Mod give tommorow because want know people opinion Have question to people. 1. Can be this as mod. When turn mines explode 2. Can this create as Sudden strike mod. If be mode selected then if sudden strike be armageddon.
Answear: 1. Can't be more payload. Game have stupid limit not for ammo but for sound.... 2. Mine in this mod is not avaible for player. Game use this 3. Mines what be used as random be not used for armageddon. When end turn game create new mines what in 0 sec explode :P
if Armageddon == true then local i SendMessage("RandomNumber.Get") RawRand = GetData("RandomNumber.Uint") Rand = 1+math.mod(RawRand, 9) for i = 1,Rand do StartTimer("bomb", 500*i) end end
function bomb() SendMessage("GameLogic.CreateRandomMine") end